
What is Horror?

We looked at the codes and conventions for the horror genre and constructed an explanation for what horror is.
Horror is a genre which is applied to films with conventions that shock or scare the audience. There are many subgenres of horror films to appeal to different peoples preferences. The film makers have to think up new subgenres so that the viewers don’t get bored with the films being too predictable and cliché.

Horror films are now commonly set closer to home for example they are now set or based in towns and cities that exist (e.g. Silent Hill is based on a town in Pennsylvania that has underground coal fires still burning) as apposed to being set in the past or the future as they used to be (e.g. The new Frankenstein.) This brings to horror closer to the viewer and therefore makes it easier for them to be scared.
People like watching horror films for a form of escapism, entertainment and excitement. Some people enjoy being scared because it gives them some adrenaline and they get to explore a tabooed subject. People like to explore subjects that aren’t talked about and don’t happen because it gives a sense of thrill and power that if they did, they would probably know what to do.

The History of Horror

We researched the history of horror and constructed a timeline to go into our blue books. For this I used the website http://www.horrorfilmhistory.com/ where I found out information about how the films changed through the centuries and why they included different aspects of horror at different times. As well as including the information on each century, I included an example of a horror film for that century and the information about that film.

Sir Alfred Hitchcock

Sir Alfred Hitchcock was a British producer and film director who lived from 1899 to 1980. His career spanned 6 decades where he directed more than 50 feature films and is widely regarded as one of cinema's most significant artists. Hitchcock made his own distinctive and recognisable directorial style that has influenced many directors and films since. He made cameras move in a way that mimics a persons gaze which forces viewers to engage in a form of voyeurism. He also framed shots to maximise anxiety, fear or empathy and used innovative film editing.

Many of Hitchcocks' films have twisted endings or thrilling plots featuring depictions of violence, murder and crime. He also includes "MacGuffin"s that are apparently minor details but they serve as a pivot that the narrative then turns on. His films are also based on psychoanalysis and feature strong sexual undertones. He also appeared in some of his own films as a cameo role.

Paramount Production Company

This production company was originally called Famous Players Studios when it was founded in 1912 by Adolf Zukor. When he came to release his film he released it through a start-up company, Paramount Pictures Corporation, ran by W. W. Hodkinson. Paramount was the first successful nation-wide distributor. Famous Players Studio was privately owned, where as Paramount was a corporation so it was merged in with Paramount Pictures which carried on developing.

Paramount had guaranteed Hitchcock another film production on his contract but didn't want to make the film Psycho because there was "nothing to like about it at all" and so refused him his usual budget. Instead Hitchcock financed the film production through his own Shamley Productions, shooting at Universal Studios. He made cut back to make the production cost under $1,000,000 by hiring actors from his television series and the two main characters for a lower salary than usual. He also filmed it in black and white which he felt made the shower scene less gory. Paramount ditributed the film but four years later, Hitchcock sold his stock in Shamley to Universal and his next six fims where producted and distributed by Universal. After another four years, Paramount sold all rights to Universal. Paramount have produced other horror films such as Paranormal Activity which they co-producted with DreamWorks Pictures in 2009.

Film Production Companies

I have looked at the film Sweeney Todd which is classed as a horror musical. The reason I have looked at this film is because it was directed by Tim Burton who is known for directing horror films and films with a quirky edge. The film also includes the good trio of Tim Burton, Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham-Carter who all work well together to create a good effect. This is seen in a number of films; Sweeney Todd, Alice in Wonderland, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and the upcoming supernatural drama film Dark Shadows. Tim Burton was also influenced by Alfred Hitchcock which also relates back to the work we have been doing.
The film Sweeney Todd was produced by the companies; Warner Bros, DreamWorks, Parkes/MacDonald productions and Zanuck Company. It was distributed by Warner Bros and Paramount Pictures.

Warner Bros was founded in 1905 but didn't start producing films until 1914 after they hired a auditor in 1912. They made the Warner Bros studio in 1918 on Sunset Boulevard in Hollywood. Successful films Warner Bros has distributed are; The Exorist, Orphan and Dark Shadows.

DreamWorks was formed in 1994 by Steven Spielburg, Jeffery Katzenburg and David Geffen. In 2005 the DreamWorks Animaton was formed and distributed by Paramount Pictures Corporation but they still remained independant from Paramount. They have made successful films such as; Madagascar, Kung Fu Panda and Shrek.

The Zanuck Company was made by Richard Zanuck who has worked with Tim Burton on 6 films and has been producing films since 1959. He has produced films like; The Sound of Music, Jaws and Planet of the Apes.

Art house film concentrates on a niche market where as Hollywood film companies concentrate on a mass target audience.