Target Audience

Target Audience Profile
Gender: Male
Interests:having a laugh with friends, computer games, social networking sites, films (horror/sci-fi), music (rock/alternative) and sport
Work: GCSE’s/A levels/Degrees/Diplomas/Work/part time job
Class: Middle/working class and will mix with other people similar to them.
Style: They will like to wear fitted jeans and polo/t-shirts/shirts

I then made a questionnaire and handed it out to random people. An example of the questionnaire and questioning is this:

I asked 15 people the same as above and I got varied results. I found out that:
  • 8/8 men watch horror films compared to 4/7 girls who watch horror films
  • 12/15 people prefer to watch horror films with other people than alone
  • 9/15 people enjoy watching horror films because they enjoy the thrill of being scared, the rest enjoy the gore
  • 11/15 people would prefer to spend £5-£10 on a horror film
  • 13/15 people would recommend good films
  • 15/15 people didn't mind what actors/ actresses were in it
  • 7/8 15-24 year olds watch horror films, 2/4 25+ year old watch horror films and 2/3 14 and under watch horror films
  • 6/15 people don't like gore
  • 10/15 people watch horror films about once a month
  • 8/15 people watch horror films on their computer
From these results I can conclude that our film needs to target the 15-25 age range of men. It needs not have a lot of gore in it and have things in it to make people jump. The retail price of our horror film has to be between £5 and £10. Our film needs to be accessible on the Internet and through sites like Lovefilm. It doesn't matter which actors or actresses are in it but it needs to be a good film so that people recommend it to their friends and we get more publicity and audience.

In a group of 3, we then had a debate about what we think about horror films and decided to film it so here it is :